Kishie or Caisie

What we know about kishies and Caises

This basket called a Kishie in Shetland or a Caisie in Orkney is used in a similar way that the back creel is used by crofters in the Highlands and Islands off the west coast of Scotland. Rather than woody …Continue reading “What we know about kishies and Caises”
Kishie and Its Uses in Shetland

As you will no doubt appreciate the kishie was still in widespread use as a method of transporting various items until it was made redundant by more readily available containers, bags and methods of transportation. Before this stage the kishie …Continue reading “Kishie and Its Uses in Shetland”
The Kishie Maker’s Year

Kishie maker Ewen Balfour explains here what needs to be done each month to grow and gather materials as well as make the kishies January – Kishie making February – Winnowing previously saved seed either mechanically or outside on a …Continue reading “The Kishie Maker’s Year”