Couple working together setting bait in Cromarty

William ‘Lairdie’ Finlayson and Maggie ‘Bolt’ Price, his wife, are working together in their yard, at 65 Gordon’s Lane, Cromarty setting baited lines into a scull. From the blurred images of their hands, its looks as if he is passing the line to her, which she baits and sets into the basket on her right. The basket is a scull of  the very deep kind, characteristic of the area. Line fishing was used for catching white fish, an all year round occupation. According to Am Baile, women prepared the bait and fixed it to the lines, even carrying men to their boats so they would start the day with dry feet. They also carried the catch from the boats back to the shore in baskets.

Couple working together adding lines to longline baskets PC CAMPBELLROSS 21 Am Baile

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